16.03.2009, Baraka, DR Congo
Until december 2010 I will be working as a junior expert in the GTZ Development Oriented Emergency and Transitional Aid project "Livelihood improvement in the Fizi region".
09.02.2009, Eschborn, Germany
Prepareing for Congo

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH
Dag-Hammarskjöld-Weg 1-5
65760 Eschborn
Telefon +49 6196 79-0
Telefax +49 6196 79-1115
Internet: http://www.gtz.de |
31.12.2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
08-29.12.2008, Cape Verde Islands
11/2008, Berlin, Germany
07-11/2008, Lima / Ayacucho, Peru
As part of the postgraduate study, during three months I will be in Peru together with four groupmates working on an analysis for the German Development Service (DED): Strenghtening the civil society - an assesement of the DED activity in Peru in promoting democracy, peace and civil conflict resultion.
01/2008, Berlin, Germany
I will attend a postgraduate course on International Development Cooperation at the Center for Advanced Training in Rural Development (SLE).
12/2007, Atlas Mountains, Morocco
Bike tour Morocco 2007
06/2007, Tübingen, Germany
03/2007, Cluj-Napoca / Tarniţa, Romania
Final paper (until august 2007) and Tarniţa
02/2007, Tübingen, Germany
Formalities for the final paper
22.12.2006, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien
Back home ... relaxing
15.05.2006, Arequipa, Peru
For six month I will have an internship at GTZ-COPASA and write my final paper about disaster prevention in the context of territorial planning and poverty mitigation
08.05.2006, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Three days stop-over before flying further to Lima
24.04.2006, Tübingen, Germany
Prepareing for final paper/internship and Peru stay
10-25.12.2005, Jamaica
04/2005, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Until april 2006 in Cluj
26.-31.01.2005, Porto Alegre, Brazil
World Social Forum and Intercontinental Youth Camp
10/2004, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
From September 2004 to March 2005 I will be in Brazil, studying at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. I have interned with the Consulate General of Romania. At the moment I am intern at the Regional Office of UN-Habitat.

United Nations Human Settlements Programme
Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
Naciones Unidas - Programa para los Asenatamientos Humanos
Oficina Regional para America Latina y el Caribe
Av. Presidente Vargas 3131/1304
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP 21210-030
Tel: +55(21)2515-1700 - Fax +55(21)2515-1701
E-mail: rolac@habitat-lac.org
Internet: http://www.unhabitat-rolac.org |
Consulatul General al României la Rio de Janeiro
Rua Cosme Velho nr.526 - Laranjeiras
CEP 22241- 091
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Telefon: 0055-21-2556-4799; 0055-21-2556-7403; 0055-21-2556.70.13
Fax: 0055-21-2557.96.94
E-mail: consrom@veloxmail.com.br
Internet: http://www.cons-gen-romania-rio.com |
07/2004, Tübingen, Germany
Until september 2004 in Tübingen
01/2004, Santiago de Chile, Chile
From january to june 2004 I will be in Santiago de Chile doing an internship at the ECLAC - United Nations.

Comisión Economica para America Latina y el Caribe - Naciones Unidas
Economic Comission for Latin America and the Caribbean - United Nations
Division de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos Humanos
Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477
Vitacura, Santiago de Chile - Chile
Tel: +56(2)210-2000
Internet: http://www.cepal.org/dmaah/proyectos/esalc.htm |
08/2003, Mendoza, Argentina
Until December I will be studying at the National University of Cuyo.